Meet Stones of the Yarra Valley's Head Chef - Samuel Eng

Samuel's road to Stones of the Yarra Valley’s Head Chef has by no means been a traditional one. Growing up in Malaysia and spending quite a bit of time in Tennessee, some of Sam's earliest memories are of him and his friends playing Futsal and felling up on street food in Hawker centres. "The most popular dish in my hometown is Bak Kut Teh - a pork rib soup stewed for hours in an aromatic broth of fragrant herbs and spices. I've made my own version of this childhood favourite many a time, but nothing will ever compare to the original!".


In his early 20s, Sam made the move to Melbourne to pursue an education and career in the world of 3D Animation and Design. As with most students, cooking at the time was more out of necessity than any real love for the kitchen, quick and cheap dishes made to fill the belly with hopefully a bit of food left over for lunch the next day. However, it didn't take long for Sam to take a shining to the world of cooking, slowly finding himself looking forward to getting home and trying out a new flavour or dish he'd heard about. "I found myself experimenting with new flavours and cuisines, all the while testing new dishes on my incredibly welcoming housemates. There was something so fun and hands-on about cooking that I wasn't getting from my Uni degree - pretty quickly I realised I was pursuing the wrong career path and made the move to hospitality".


When he's not cooking up a storm at The Stables, you can find Sam holding down a beat behind the drum kit and spending time with his wife and young son "Kitchens are intense, emotional workplaces. You put so much of yourself into every service so when it's time to lay down the tools I make sure I spend my days off relaxing with family and friends".

Immensely talented, passionate, positive and engaged - Sam brings with him not just a wealth of experience but a contagious love for all things food! We got a chance to sit down with Sam and find out a little bit more…

What was your first job in food? How old were you?

My first job as a chef was when I was 26 at Coles HQ in Melbourne. I was lucky enough to land that job with no kitchen experience. The head chef took me under his wing and I was eventually sponsored into culinary school. 

What is your favourite thing about being a chef?

I like the pressure and the rush of service. High stress environments. People usually try to avoid stress but I tend to feed off the stress and the tensions of the kitchen. 

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

You never stop learning. Be humble enough to learn from other people, everyone has their own journey. 

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I think that whale and monitor lizards would be at the top. 

What’s your favourite ingredient? Why? How would you use it?

Coconut would be my favorite. It's so versatile in both savoury or sweet dishes. You can also use every part of the tree.

How did becoming a chef change your life or your direction?

I think becoming a chef gave me a sense of purpose and stability. Prior to becoming a chef I was doing freelancing in 3D animation and photography. But having the sense of a satisfied guest, taking guests on a journey, be it sparking a memory from their past or telling them my story through food at the table, is priceless.
Please give us a cooking tip that people might not know…

When cutting pumpkin, use the smallest knife, ideally a turning knife or a paring knife instead of the largest knife in your collection.

Who inspired you to get into the kitchen?

I think my first kitchen hero was Curtis Stone. Not because my first job was at Coles HQ but because of his story. 

Favourite band of all time?

Dream theater 

Most under-appreciated ingredient home chefs often overlook?

Okra. Plenty of taste and texture. 

Alive or dead, who would you invite to your dream dinner party, and what would you cook? Why?

Adam and Eve, the first mankind. I'll cook them all things apple, LOL 

And finally, a piece of advice for young up-and-coming chefs?

In all things you do, do it with love, focus, discipline & patience… and have fun. 

Want to experience Sam’s menu for yourself? Jump online via button below to book within The Stables at Stones or call 03 8727 3000 to book The Barn!


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Tomas & Brett - January 9th 2020